I’m a coach for mission driven entrepreneurs seeking next level leadership tools and connectivity.

Engage your whole self.


I’ve spent over two decades at the heart and nerve center of building conscious, progressive businesses, while supporting their communities. I co-founded Montreal-based Rise Kombucha and Crudessence, leading in the groundswell of clean and healthy food business. I am invested in other progressive food and beverage companies. I have mentored founders and stakeholders in over a hundred high-impact startups, and taught entrepreneurship through the structure of MBA programs and in grass-roots settings.

Mine has not been a linear career path. I love blending and integrating the worlds I am privileged to inhabit. Engineering. Business. Yoga. Competitive sports. Meditation. Sun-gazing. Deep nature. Moonwalking. Tide-skipping.


Explorer, edgewalker, and builder of sustainable, healthy businesses.

For the first 30 years of my life, galvanized by ego and unbridled ambition, I was in a perpetual rush, constantly juggling many balls. I tried to be everything to everyone around me. The success I was seeking was not mine, but a version of the familiar crusade for a perfect and full life of material success, high-performance, and achievement. And it seemed to work for a while, until it all caught up to me.

In burnout mode, fresh off a stint at a top-tier management consulting firm, I had my first deep revelation: “slow down” and take stock. I pivoted to looking at things from a different perspective, seeking to define what success and purpose looked like to me. Multiple solo trips to South Asia awoke the undernourished poet, philosopher, and seeker in me.

I took breaks from business several times, choosing to sit quietly in caves, on mountaintops and river banks, listening, conversing and learning about life. I became a yoga teacher, student of meditation, and avid life-philosopher. This journey of personal development returned me each time to the importance of vocation and our right work here, and dedicated my professional life to it.

I’ve spent the last fifteen years in this sandbox, learning. I have started and scaled progressive companies, and accompanied mission-driven leaders on their own entrepreneurial journeys, sweating, toiling, laughing, and grinding. I’ve been there, and know what it takes to bring a startup to a 100+ employee base, raise a series A, and top line to in excess of $25M.


An elder around the campfire.

Now I’m a Certified Integral Coach (from New Ventures West) and on my way to being an ACC Certified Coach of the International Coaching Federation. I harness the full arsenal of what I have learned and experienced

  • In the somatic and cognitive realms

  • With my intuition and empathy

  • From the academic, deep business and entrepreneurial worlds

  • In the ever-connected field that nature has provided us a remembering of

In addition to running my own coaching practice, I work inside some of Canada’s top impact accelerators (EsplanadeEspace Inc. and Purppl) as a mentor and leadership development guide.

I hold an MBA from INSEAD and a Bachelor’s of Engineering (Civil) from McGill University. I’m loosely based out of my home town of Montreal and can still be found exploring regularly, especially lately in Canada’s awesome British Columbia.


Core Tenets: our guiding principles

  • Heart of Impact


    It is all connected

    The circle reminds us that above all else, everything is connected and works together. We are not separate from our environment, and cannot not exist in isolation.

  • Heart of Impact

    Doing and being

    Relative and absolute

    The intersection of two complementary states: vertical, the absolute or ethereal, and horizontal, the relative or material. We are being and doing simultaneously.

  • Heart of Impact


    The centre of being human

    Physiologically, emotionally, energetically, the essence of human existence is at our heart centre. Learning to live more from the heart brings all of you into play.

  • Heart of Impact

    Dynamic polarities

    The tension of opposites

    Life is taking place at the tension between oppositing forces, changing dynamically. Can we balance both, and live in the dance between them?


Check out the section of blog writing, relevant articles and related books.